
Dedicated to the men who manned the ships
and the embarked composite squadrons
of Task Unit 77.4.3 (Taffy III)
on October 25, 1944


Online since June 4, 1996

takes a pounding 
from the IJN heavy cruiser CHIKUMA



Naval Ensign - Imperial Japanese Navy


The IJN of World War II was administered by the Ministry of the Navy of Japan and controlled by the Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy General Staff at Imperial General Headquarters.  In order to combat the numerically superior American navy, the IJN devoted large amounts of resources to creating a force superior in quality, the objective being of "making up for quantity by means of quality".  Consequently, at the beginning of World War II, Japan probably had the most sophisticated Navy in the world.  Betting on the agile success of aggressive tactics (stemming from Mahanian doctrine and the lure of "decisive battle"), Japan did not invest significantly on defensive organization: she needed to protect her long shipping lines against enemy submarines, which she never managed to do, particularly under-investing in the vital role of antisubmarine warfare (both escort ships and escort carriers), and in the specialized training and organization to support it.

Source: Wikipedia

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Added by Marcia
April 3, 2014

Thank God for the men (or people) who took photos back in those days.
Added by Anonymous
July 26, 2016

Great stuff ,coming from a semi-pro photographer, I appreciate the knowledge value that was saved through the eye of there camera's ,like a glimpse into history being made. I model 1/700th scale ships and have a massive Japanese fleet and photo's like these are invaluable for correct minute details to a modeler. Thank you for this time capsule of the IJN fleet.
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