
Dedicated to the men who manned the ships
and the embarked composite squadrons
of Task Unit 77.4.3 (Taffy III)
on October 25, 1944


Online since June 4, 1996

takes a pounding 
from the IJN heavy cruiser CHIKUMA



U.S. Navy Photograph

From the personal collection of Robert Jon Cox

Several Escort Carriers of the U.S. Pacific Fleet
gather for operations.


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Added by Canadian Admirant
April 30, 2012

Here is to Commander Ernest Evans, a Cherokee man from a reserve. The bravest man in the Navy on this battle. A true Indian Brave.

He inspired Ziggy and the rest on, to - in the 'Follow Me' tradition of the Marines - follow him - and so they did; and so the Center Force was turned-back, and MacArthur and his young men lived.

The only Medal of Honor awarded that day. And correctly awarded.
Added by Anonymous
May 27, 2013

Beautiful story of courage and sacrifice. Back when men were actually men.
Added by sherrrihumbert
January 15, 2014

I am the daughter of George Gordon Freeburg. I just found out the dad was on the USS White Plains and I wanted to know a little more about dad. He never talked about his service other than he was in the Navy. I don't know if it is possible but could there be a picture of him some where. I have no pictures of him in uniform. He passed away in 1999. I am so glad to have found this site. Thank you for your service and for any information you may have.....
Sherri Humbert
Added by Judith A. Dunlop
January 13, 2018

I am doing some genealogical work for my dear friend, and found out his brother's father served onboard the USS John C Butler, DE 339. His name was Henry Alfred Overturf. Would it be possible to get a picture of him? I think it would mean the world to my friend's brother...(his name is Donald Gene Overturf, and he was Henry's second born son, in 1947. Thank you very much!

I forgot to mention, Henry Alfred Overturf (who served on the USS John C Butler) had another son, David Henry Overturf, who was his first born. If I am able to get a picture of their father, he would get one also. Again, thank you.
Added by Anonymous
July 14, 2019

My Dad was a Fireman on the USS Kitkun Bay, and since he and Mom divorced when he came home "a mess" according to other family members, I'm trying to learn more about him. Crash course in Navy lingo for starters. Seems all the books focus on the Aviators or the Marines who stormed the beaches. Been combing the Internet, and I am blue in the face! What does a F1c do?

I know he was dragged out of the engine room when struck by an explosion. (two in fact)
Added by Monte duwe
November 11, 2019

My dad was on the uss white planes in leyte gulf. He died November 11 2018. He told me stories of leyte gulf battle. My dad's name jack duwe.
Added by donsterner
January 17, 2023

THE PHOTOS ABOVE, ON VERY LAST PIC OF MEN IN THEIR BUNKS BOTTOM RIGHT, I TRIPLE SWEAR THE MAN ON TOP BUNK 3RD FROM LEFT IS MY Dad Norman E Sterner from Evanston Illinois. And also earlier This same photo appeared and caption read 'Electricians' Bunk room. And I am looking at photos my Mother took of Dad gave me are of my Dad when he got off the USS Fanshaw Bay in San Diego and also more photos of Dad after Mom gave birth to my older Brother and sister after Mom and Dad moved into their Brand new home in 1953, 1130 N Dryden Arlington Heights IL. I was born in 1955. And that IS MY DAD in the bunk..... I've been searching CVE70 Fanshaw bay for years and I finally found Dad as a Sailor.. 'Electrician' Dad retired from the IBEW in Cook County IL and Died September 1992 from Emphysema
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