
Dedicated to the men who manned the ships
and the embarked composite squadrons
of Task Unit 77.4.3 (Taffy III)
on October 25, 1944


Online since June 4, 1996

takes a pounding 
from the IJN heavy cruiser CHIKUMA
Wednesday, March 26, 2025



Copyright U.S.S. Saint Lo. CVE 63/VC65 Association


by Richard C. Moore

The first U.S. naval vessel to be sunk by a kamikaze,
the SAINT LO is abandoned by her crew as her own
ammunition  blows her apart. 
Commissioned as the
U.S.S. MIDWAY, CVE 63 and a member of the thirteen-ship
task unit Taffy III, the SAINT LO was one of five ships in the
group sunk on the 
same day in the Battle of Leyte Gulf
off the island of Samar  in the Philippines,
October 25, 1944.


In remembrance; Lost October 25, 1944

Lost in action, 126 men

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Added by Anonymous
March 25, 2013

Thank you for sharing these amazing photos. My uncle, James O. Sheldon, was on board the USS St. Lo when she sank in the Battle of Leyte off Samar. He was in the water for four hours before being picked up by the USS Dennis. Jim was an 18-year-old Aviation Mechanic. He passed away on March 20, 2013.
Added by rmf222
September 20, 2013

To the person who's uncle is James Sheldon. Every year there is a reunion for the men of the St. Lo and the men of the USS Dennis. If you would like further information let me know. Sorry to hear about the passing of your Uncle, everyone of them are certainly heroes.
Added by Anonymous
December 17, 2013

Hi, my uncle, Elmer O. Aycock was killed when the ship was struck by the kamakazi. If it would be possible I would like to get the information about the reunion. My e-mail is
Thank you so much
John Aycock

Webmaster: See
Added by jj-juju
November 29, 2014

I have just found that my brother Jesse E. Jones of the U.S.S. Kitkun Bay and my brother in law Glennon Joseph Walsh of the U.S.S. Kalinin Bay, was both in the battle of Samar in the Leyte Gulf, at the same time. Unfortunately my Brother passed away 6 weeks ago and has never talked about this battle. He was 88 when he passed and was 17 when he enlisted in WWII. Retired after 20 yrs active service and 10 yrs reserves. Jesse is now buried at the National Cemetary in Portland Oregon. I wish he would have told me about some of his "secrets" but I do (kind of) understand, him not saying. I idolized my two older brother both of them served Honorably and retired from the service of their country. Snubby my other brother was in Korea and saw a lot of fighting, wounded once and lost presumed dead another time. He was found after 6 weeks in the jungles there. I wish I had only known some of what they went through so I could have honored them even more.
Added by Laura Swenson Butler, daughter
February 27, 2015

My dad, John Swenson, served on the USS Kitkun Bay, which was eventually hit by a kamikaze. John was a Seaman 1st class, First Division, 1944 - 1946. He passed away at the age of 88 on June 25, 2014. He always loved movies am documentaries about World War II.
Added by mcompeau
October 20, 2015

My uncle, Walter Kratzer, of Webster, Wisconsin, served on the USS Kalinin Bay. I know he attended a number of the Kalinin Bay reunions before cancer took him some years ago. He often spoke of some of his experiences with my father, his half brother, during our many visits. Walter was an unassuming man who was largely self educated and very well-read. I am a better person for having spent time listening to him and watching how he lived his life.
Added by jwnelson
December 31, 2015

To rmf222 : My name is JW Nelson and my Father was S1C Frank "Nellie" Nelson on the USS St. Lo when she was sunk. I would definitely be interested in any information that you might be able to give me concerning the annual meetings of the remaining crew of the St. Lo and the possibility of attending one of the reunions. My email address is :
Thank you !
Added by D Heathcott
May 20, 2016

My uncle Harrell Gargus was lost on St Lo.I am an historian and have heard conflicting accounts of the kamikaze attack.The footage Ive seen appears to show one aircraft attacking from astern,appearing to be in the landing pattern but but then pulling up sharply and diving to the deck.Other accounts involve three aircraft attacking at once from a high angle.Any clarification is welcome
Added by Anonymous
December 22, 2016

My father is now 92 (Warren H Hodson) was in the battle of Leyte Gulf. He never talked about it his entire life until the last couple of years now. He was on the flight deck when a kamikaze pilot flew into the deck. He was uninjured but saw one of his best friends blown to bits. I need to get together with him and write down some of his memories before they are all gone.
Added by Anonymous
June 23, 2017

My Dad, Clyde L. Davis Sr., was an 18 year old sailor on the St. Lo when it was hit by the Kamikaze strike on October, 25, 1944. I've been fascinated with the amazing odds of that battle--and how this small contingent of ships held off a catastrophe at the Leyte landing initiative. I remember his stories of the massive 18 inch shells from the Yamato landing near his ship. The sights he saw from the fires and explosions were horrible. His mother, in Pittsburgh, woke up in the middle of the night and saw his ship on fire and him in the water--knowing nothing of what had happened. She got on her knees beside the bed and prayed for him. The next day, the Pittsburgh paper had a picture of the St. Lo on fire and sinking--so she knew it was real. What she didn't know for at least 2 more weeks is if he was okay or not. I had no idea of how critical Taffy 3's role was until years later when the book came out, LAST STAND OF THE TIN CAN SAILORS. Having a Dad that was a part of that heroism brings a lot of pride. His life impacted so many people; he served others for the next 55 years of his life until he died in 2006.
December 10, 2017

My father, Lt Ray Koep, flew FM's off Kitkun Bay at Leyte as part of VC-5; the Old Crow. Anyone interested in sharing memories or memorabilia?
Added by Anonymous
August 10, 2019

Our task unit (Taffy III) has an upcoming reunion (Oct 2019) in San Diego. If interested I can put you in touch with our assoc. president. My email is: Jolly1fun @, or call 727-742-9399.

Bob Schueler Rm2/c USS St.Lo
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