
Dedicated to the men who manned the ships
and the embarked composite squadrons
of Task Unit 77.4.3 (Taffy III)
on October 25, 1944


Online since June 4, 1996

takes a pounding 
from the IJN heavy cruiser CHIKUMA


Laurence Eddie McKibben Collection
USS Kalinin Bay (CVE 68)

In March 2011 the Webmaster was contacted by Michael McKibben, grandson of Laurence Eddie McKibben.  He send the following message:

After the passing of my grandparents I was given the family pictures they had to go through.  I found about 50 pictures of the Kalinin Bay and its crew while at sea.  Some while in Japan.  My grandfather was on the ship for its entire service so the photos reflect its moods at times.  If yourself or any other historians are interested I will share these pictures. Also, if any families of these brave men would like the pictures of their family members, I will provide them the original for free.

Michael McKibben grandson of Laurence E. McKibben (Mac)

You can contact Michael McKibben here:

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Added by mcompeau
October 20, 2015

What a wonderful collection! :)
Added by Anonymous
September 8, 2017

I was born in 1949 so I'm a baby boomer and not a member of the "Greatest Generation. I'm learning the history of Taffy III. At 68 and never served in the military I still tear up telling others of the bravery of these young men, their leaders and their bravery. I'm so proud.
Added by RMorris
July 3, 2018

What a treasure these are! My Dad served in the Pacific in 1944-45 and had a very similar collection from his time on APA-193 and in occupied Japan. Sadly my parents house was flooded by Hurricane Ike and they were all destroyed. Take good care if you're lucky enough to have photos from this era as they show The Greatest Generation young and healthy at the beginning of their incredible legacy!
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